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Explosive Hearing in Wisconsin as Election Investigator Meets Legislature

Democrats are hopping mad at the Special Counsel in Wisconsin who is looking into the 2020 election. The Special Counsel is former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman, and he does not look like a guy who is inclined to take any guff from state lawmakers who are desperately trying to cover up what happened in the election last year.

In an update to the legislature, Gableman announced that he is suing the mayors of two Wisconsin cities to try to compel their testimony. Those mayors are refusing to cooperate, after they allowed Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to administer their cities’ elections.

Gableman is suing Green Bay and Madison to try to force the mayors of those cities to cooperate with the election probe. Those mayors have, so far, done nothing but complain about the fact that Gableman is investigating the “safest and most secure election ever.”

When Gableman issued an interim report on his investigation last month, he announced that he had uncovered numerous examples of election fraud. First of all, Gableman corroborated the findings of Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling.

The Wisconsin Elections Commission allegedly broke the law by instructing nursing home staffers to fill out ballots for nursing home patients – rather than the state’s legally required teams of Election Deputies. The nursing home staffers responded with zeal, filling out mail-in ballots for elderly dementia patients who had not voted in many years. The Racine Sheriff has now filed felony election fraud charges against five members of the Wisconsin Election Commission.


Other findings from Wisconsin, which Joe Biden allegedly “won” by 20,682 votes:

8,550 voters first registered to vote in 1918, which would make each of them over 120 years old. 23,266 voters were all registered to vote with the same phone number. In Rock County, Wisconsin, 900 people were registered to vote at the same address. And 543,000 people who voted in 2020 in Wisconsin have no officially recorded date of registration.

But the main focus of Special Counsel Gableman’s investigation is on Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook. Zuckerberg’s non-government organization (NGO), the Center for Tech and Civic Life, approached the mayors of 200 Wisconsin towns and cities prior to the 2020 election. The Democrat Party operative running the Center for Tech and Civic Life entered into negotiations with those cities and towns to help them combat the spread of COVID.

That’s worth repeating: Zuckerberg’s NGO entered into negotiations with those Wisconsin cities and towns to help them combat the spread of COVID.

But according to Special Counsel Gableman, Zuckerberg’s NGO switched – in the middle of negotiations – from a COVID safety plan to a Democrat Party get-out-the-vote plan. Zuckerberg then pumped $8.8 million into Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Kenosha and Racine. He paid another $1.2 million to many smaller communities across Wisconsin.

The purpose of the money was to install ballot drop boxes which could be (and were) stuffed with mail-in ballots in the dead of night, and for the Center for Tech and Civic Life to administer the elections in some Wisconsin cities. In his interim report, Gableman noted that Facebook improperly registered at least 18,000 voters in Madison at two large get-out-the-vote drives in a city park.

During those events, 18,000 people improperly and falsely registered to vote under the premise that they were indefinitely confined at home, ostensibly because of fear of COVID. (They were afraid of COVID, so they went to huge public gatherings at a park to register to vote by mail?)

In Green Bay and Madison, Zuckerberg’s NGO took over the administration of the 2020 election. The city and county clerks did not run the election in those cities. Mark freakin’ Zuckerberg’s underlings did.

“Of all the clerks and of all the mayors, those two simply failed without reason or excuse to appear for their depositions and answer questions about how and to what extent they allowed Mark Zuckerberg’s employees to plan and administer their city’s election in November 2020,” says Special Counsel Gableman.

No wonder they don’t want to answer questions.

Gableman adds the obvious: “I think it’s very clear that Mark Zuckerberg’s goal was to defeat Donald Trump and elect Joe Biden.”

During the hearing with Gableman, some Democrats tried to pull out their usual snitty talking points, but Gableman wasn’t having it. Things got spicy! Here’s a clip of some of the hearing’s highlights at the local Fox station in Madison:

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13 thoughts on “Explosive Hearing in Wisconsin as Election Investigator Meets Legislature”

  1. If the election was the most and safest elect. Why cry foul? Prove it? But you mayor and democrats politicians can’t! Because you know you took the evil Mark Zuckerberg MONEY! To rigged the election for Biden! I was told by an employee at Facebook that TRUMP WILL NOT WIN IN SEPTEMBER! Because the Election was already DONE! Everything the DEMOCRAT party did was to change the Election laws so they could STEAL IT FROM THE PEOPLE!

    1. BINGO!!! You nailed it! If everything was so perfectly, why would ANY of them be afraid to open their books, ledgers, voting practices, etc.?

  2. Typical Demonrat response when they get caught with their Criminal wrong doing. Democraps are SCUMBAGS they do not understand the U.S. Constitution ( nor do they want to.) Democrats are self serving parasitic excrements. Liberalism is a Demonic Cancer.

  3. The problem is not the fraud, it is the impunity, FBI, CIA, NSA, ARMY are not institutions, are tools

  4. OMG, Zuckerturd ran the WI election? Are you fking shtting me? What a farce. This is obviously going to be decertified and some people are going to jail. And this only one state. Sever other states have over 500 sworn testimonies of fraud. Anyone giving a sworn testimony is subject to criminal charges in not true, you know they aren’t lying. Trump won the election by millions.

  5. Keep praying that after enduring what we have over the last excruciating year,
    that ALL will be revealed.Then,by getting to the bottom of the cheating that occurred during the election, we will be able to trust in our election process.
    After that, our true President will once again be found in the Whitehouse.
    May God continue to give him and the rest of us the strength to get across the finish line.

  6. For all those people that think there was no fraud, common sense ( which alot of people don’t have) tells us if there is no fraud the mayor’s would testify under oath, not hide or refuse. This is a FEDERAL ELECTION where is our spineless investigator.

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