The railroading of former general and Trump National Security Advisor Mike Flynn has sunk beyond absurdity into the realm of banana republic antics. The injustice of this case should terrify normal Americans. Judge Emmett Sullivan has now been given new smoking-gun evidence in Peter Strzok’s handwriting – and the judge is still trying to singlehandedly convict and sentence Flynn for a crime the Department of Justice says Flynn did not commit.
According to the DOJ, this new full page of notes written by former FBI Chief Counterintelligence Agent (and mincing weirdo) Peter Strzok should prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Flynn was innocent. The DOJ says the notes were written by Strzok sometime between January 3 and January 5 in 2017, when nearly 40 members of the Obama administration – including Joe Biden himself and Obama’s Chief of Staff – suddenly began running over to the NSA to “unmask” Flynn’s identity in the transcripts of a benign phone call with the Russian ambassador. You know – right around the time that Obama ordered his entire staff to launch the Russian collusion hoax.
Here’s what this new page of notes from Peter Strzok says:
“HaHaHa! Got him! Take that, smelly Trump MAGA supporters at Walmart! Gen. Flynn is totally innocent but I trikked him at the White House. Now I can charge Smelly Flynn with Russian collushun or somthin cuz I made it look like he’s a liar! Can’t wait to cheet on my wife later with U Lisa cuz you are sooooo hawt! Winkey-face! Smiley-Face! XOXOXO from the super-spy PETE!”
Actually, that’s not exactly what the notes say. We had to make up what the notes say based on a composite of Strzok’s text messages to his homewrecking former girlfriend at the FBI. That’s because the public is not allowed to see this new page of notes that has just surfaced, even though our tax dollars were used to completely and very publicly destroy Gen. Flynn’s life.
Mike Flynn’s family is broke. They had to sell their house to pay their ongoing legal bills, just to fight these invented-out-of-thin-air charges that Robert Mueller’s team made up.
Meanwhile, Peter Strzok was rewarded for his treasonous actions. Democrats set up a GoFundMe page for Strzok, and then Democrat super PACs and elected Members of Congress sent him $425,000 to help with his pain and suffering after he was fired from the FBI. His book advance will probably be somewhere around seven figures, if he can ever manage to string together several hundred pages of winkey-face emojis into something vaguely coherent and entirely conspiratorial.
At this point, it’s unclear which of these three facts is the most shocking to Americans:
- The fact that Judge Emmett Sullivan still refuses to dismiss the Flynn case
- The fact that the chief counterintelligence agent at the FBI turned out to be such a liar and partisan hack
- Or the fact that Republicans are completely throwing Flynn under the bus due to cowardice
Imagine if the political parties were reversed and a Republican administration had attempted to use “lawfare” to destroy a Democrat president’s cabinet member. We don’t have to imagine. Democrats try to assemble a Civil Rights Commission anytime a Republican dares to ask a mild question about Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) brother. And Democrats don’t even like Ilhan Omar.
But they fight tooth and nail for people on their own side, even if they know that person is guilty as hell. We can’t get elected Republicans to fight for people on our side – like Mike Flynn or Roger Stone – even when we know they are innocent!
If Republicans in Congress had spines, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy would be announcing Articles of Impeachment against Judge Emmett Sullivan for violating his oath of office and daring Pelosi to take those Articles up in public hearings. Mitch McConnell would be announcing that he has cleared time up on the Senate calendar to give Judge Sullivan a (wink, wink) speedy and fair impeachment trial.
That should be the only thing Republicans are talking about until the judge finally does what the prosecutors have recommended, by dropping the case against Flynn. Instead, Kevin McCarthy just announced that the GOP is pushing for… new sanctions against Syria. Good grief. Run away extra fast, GOP leaders, so no one can see those yellow stripes down your backs.