Just In: Pfizer Lied About Cardiovascular Deaths in Vaccine Trials

“I hate my life so much right now.” Those are the heart wrenching words that professional mountain bike racer Kyle Warner stated on an Instagram video this week. The 29-year-old professional athlete received a triple-whammy after taking the second Pfizer shot for COVID. He developed sudden pericarditis, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and reactive arthritis. His health and professional career have been permanently destroyed.

Six people in his vaccine injury support group have killed themselves in the last month. Warner is trying to use his status as a vaccine victim to call for liability against Big Pharma, due to the very real harm that their vaccines are causing. And he may eventually win that fight, now that we know that Pfizer lied about the number of deaths that were caused during its clinical trials.

The Pfizer shot was initially cleared for emergency use authorization when its existence was announced back in December of 2020. At that time, Pfizer told us that even though the shot was safe and effective, they were now going to start conducting safety trials on it. You know, just to reassure everyone as to the safety and effectiveness. They vaccinated 22,000 people with their miracle medicine and gave another 22,000 people in the control group a placebo saline shot.

Fast-forward to July of this year, when they posted the first six months’ worth of data. On July 28, Pfizer claimed that 15 people in the vaccinated group had died, compared to 14 in the placebo group. Only three people in both groups died of COVID. Most of the people in the vaccinated group died of cardiovascular or heart-related illnesses.

But it turns out that Pfizer didn’t accurately share its information with the public in that announcement. They told the world that 15 vaccinated people died during this trial, but in their numbers that they shared with the FDA, the real number was 21 fatalities. The FDA let this little factoid slip out this week when they issued a 30-page report on their decision to approve the vaccines in late August. Whoops.

That’s 21 cardiovascular-related deaths out of 22,000 people. Does that sound rare? Not compared to most medicines and vaccines that are on the market. That’s nearly a 1 in 1,000 chance that you will die from a heart attack or related cardiovascular event if you get the shot. If you’re under the age of 60, you have about a 1 in 1,000 chance of dying from COVID itself.


What rational person would take this vaccine if they knew the odds were just as good that they could keel over from a heart attack as die from COVID?

We know a couple of things from this release of new, corrected numbers of deaths from the Pfizer shots. First, Pfizer knew that this shot was causing an extraordinary number of heart-related deaths as early as March of 2021. Second, they didn’t want the public to know this because they covered up the true number for eight months. We only know about this discrepancy because it was uncovered in the FDA paperwork in November.

You’ve probably heard a lot about the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) by now, and the failures of that system. All hospitals are supposed to report vaccine injuries to that system with the CDC, but it’s cumbersome, it takes too long, and far too many doctors and nurses don’t bother with it. But it turns out that there’s another system tracking vaccine injuries and deaths: The CMS Medicare Tracking System.

Because it’s a Medicare system, reporting requirements are different and it turns out that this database is getting filled in (hospitals lose federal funding if they don’t keep up with Medicare rules). Data from the Medicare Tracking System shows that 19,400 Medicare patients under the age of 80 have died within 14 days of getting the second Pfizer shot. An additional 28,065 Medicare patients over the age of 80 have died within 14 days of the shot. That’s 48,465 additional deaths from the shots, which are separate from the tens of thousands of (underreported) deaths listed in the VAERS system.

Which means that well in excess of 100,000 people have been killed by the shots in America. That “immune from liability” clause that the vaccine companies have enjoyed so far doesn’t seem like it’s going to hold up much longer when the public finds out about these truths.

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35 thoughts on “Just In: Pfizer Lied About Cardiovascular Deaths in Vaccine Trials”

  1. Hopefully more athletes and others will come forward, and somehow their stories will reach the public very soon. Thousands have died, or have suffered permanent injuries due to having faith in the lying mainstream media, Big Pharma, our PATHETIC administration, and medical professionals without ethics. It’s past time for Americans to wake up and disconnect themselves from the Mainstream Media. There are many sources of TRUTH out there, all you have to do is look for them….

      1. It’s a no brainer for me, Here I am going to try to force you to take this shot, over a disease with 99.9% survivability Raye, and you will be taking boosters whenever we decide you need them because the immunity wears off. I will never take it. Let’s go Brandon!!!

    1. I cannot possibly give your posted opinion a big enough ” AMEN” . Thank You. ( Cheyenne this response was meant as a reply to your post, not the general comments. )

    2. This will NEVER be reversed or corrected until the Democrats are out of power.
      These are the Democrats’ desired results.
      One party governments are NOT there for the citizens, especially when they are power hungry Commie wokefools.

  2. And Fauci is encouraging people to get more/Boosters. It is called Global Depopulation.
    And then you have all the Pfizer elitists who have lied. Making their billions of dollars off the public plus
    now they have added children to the mix.


    I praying Kyle Warner can nail them all including politicians, FDA, CDC and I am sure the list goes on.

    1. It’s called Genocide and China has always done it to control their population. The US is just following suit!

  3. Why are they telling so many lies? Does it have to do with money? I am sick of lies, and the hospitals saying that a person died from covid just to gain more money. This is a greedy world.

    1. Getting a”jab” of any kind enters those sheeple into the march of the “walking dead”! A massive death toll is about to explode when the manipulative gene therapy jab experiment begins it’s ugly agenda which seems like it has already started! Those that have gotten the jab should enjoy what life they have left while they can! Lights out will eventually happen prematurely to the ones that took the “jab(s)”! They already have coffins stock piled all across the country prepared for the thousands that will have taken their last breath into extinction!

    2. If ‘mail in voting’ was outlawed, we’d never hear about this ‘virus’, again. It would just disappear.
      It’s all about the Democrats staying in power.


  5. I think the deaths, injuries, and data sets from this whole debacle is far, far off! Power and wealth are very strong motivations for psychotic, psychopathic elite tyrants, tycoons, and terrorist; and these people have a very satanic, dark chain of agendas to obtain, maintain, and utilize that power and wealth!


    1. Because millions will. Along with abortion, the vaccines are another great way to cull the stupid and liberal herds.

    2. They need to keep stoking fear in voters so we will HAVE TO HAVE another ‘mail in’ voting.
      Fraud is the only way they can maintain their power.

  7. So !!!! Let me get this right .
    Volkswagen lied about fuel consumption and was fined 18 billion dollars and loss of reputation etc.

    Pfizer lies about a life threatening drug . placing the worlds people in grave danger and our lame wanna be leaders are pushing for everyone to partake ASAP.

    This has to have a genocide ring about it eh ????

  8. Who’s going to hold Big Pfizer
    Accountable for all the Deaths caused from their [Miracle Drug]? Lie after Lie Pfizer now asking you to take a Booster Jab!
    When are we all going to Stand up Under our own Power with out being Propped up by someone else and Say NO More ?
    Enough Aready!!

    1. Too many sheeple are too f***ing stupid and spineless to refuse. It’s also case of law enforcement command level refusing to force their officers to become Nazi thugs. In the end, it’s who we elect to positions of authority, since they make the policies and give the orders. Places like L.A. , NYC, etc. will never revolt, let them kill each other. More lines are being drawn, we’re becoming more polarized and angrier. Landslide electoral losses are the only way we have a chance to win this fight.

  9. I’m having a problem wit the numbers stated in this article. I cannot believe, even for a nanosecond, that the overall death rate for people who have covid is 1/1000.
    This seems completely out of touch with reality. It must be way less than that. Way.

  10. Big Pharma is way too powerful and buys off accountability. GOP needs to retake House, Senate and the White House. Then they need to grill these MFers and treat them like Big Tobacco. There are untold numbers of wrongful death lawsuits, as well stopping these companies from genocide.

  11. It is still in the hands of God, we need people to pray -, He alone can reverse this madness- we should have been doing this already right from the start- the churches are guilty of dereliction of duty- forget their differences and just for once agree and pray–

  12. My son might be compromised because of Pfizer who lied to the FDA about the number of deaths and the deaths that are happening now!

  13. will not be taking booster. after first shot my throat was swollen, after second shot i had shingles in my head so bad i almost lost my eyesight.

  14. Only the blind cannot see this data. It has just about been everywhere in some form or another. Yet, we can excuse those whose faces are glued to the MSM news which will NEVER tell the truth about anything that looks bad for the devious Dems. They are hellbent on ignoring the REAL experts and rely on the Dr. Death reports and scare tactics of the faux Biden Administration. Ignorance that can kill them!

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