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Judge Scoffs at FBI Excuses Over Stolen Trump Supporters’ Safety Deposit Boxes

It’s been five months now since Joe Biden’s FBI seized the safety deposit boxes of Trump supporters in a Beverly Hills neighborhood. The FBI still won’t give back the property that it stole from the most hard-partying MAGA fun brigade in Los Angeles County. The excuses that federal prosecutors and the FBI are making for keeping the property are wearing thin. Fortunately, the judge assigned to the case is not falling for any of those excuses. And we now know from the search warrant that led to the seizures that the FBI was never supposed to take the safety deposit boxes in the first place.

We first published the original story back in May. If you’ve missed earlier updates about this story, I’ll try to catch you up quickly. Remember all those amazing Trump MAGA rallies in Beverly Hills last year? Those happened in one particular neighborhood in Beverly Hills, which just so happened to be the one area of Los Angeles County that Donald Trump decisively won over Joe Biden. Too many Americans lived in that neighborhood for California’s notorious illegal alien vote squadrons to tip the election toward Biden.

There’s a private security company in that neighborhood called US Private Vaults. The FBI raided the company in March. According to the newly unsealed warrant, the feds believed that the owners were laundering money for illegal pot growers in California. The warrant allowed them to search the private security building and seize computers, drug scales, guns, computers and any evidence of money laundering.

The warrant did NOT authorize the FBI to seize the contents of all of the safe deposit boxes in the vault, however. But they did it anyway. My belief all along has been that the real reason why the FBI targeted US Private Vaults is because it sits in the middle of LA’s small but mighty MAGA country. The FBI seized the safety deposit box contents of a bunch of a Trump supporters by targeting this one specific business.

Whether the owners of US Private Vaults are guilty of anything is beside the point. Think of it this way: The FBI raids the manager of an apartment building because he’s suspected of a crime. Does the FBI then have the right to go into EVERY other apartment in the building and seize everyone’s television and refrigerator as “evidence?” Of course not. That would be absurd. But that was exactly what the FBI did when it seized more 800 safety deposit boxes in a neighborhood full of wealthy Trump supporters.

None of the box holders were listed in the warrant and none were suspected of a crime when the FBI raided US Private Vaults. But now the FBI is saying that all of those people must be drug dealers!


In order to get the contents of their own safety deposit boxes back from the FBI – and which the FBI never had the right to seize in the first place – the FBI is now demanding that the box holders prove that they are not drug dealers or money launderers.

US Private Vaults offered an unprecedented level of security and privacy for rich Beverly Hills folks to store their valuables. They used biometric scanners for entry to the vault, which allows safety deposit box holders to remain anonymous. It sounds really nice to most normal people, and that’s why US Private Vaults charged more than your local bank for a safety deposit box.

Yet the FBI is arguing that because US Private Vaults is suspected of criminal activity, all of the company’s customers must be criminals too.

The warrant states, “There is no reason for non-criminal clients to use USPV.”

Huh? Of course there is! What if it’s closer to their home than their regular bank? What if some of them are celebrities who like the extra privacy that a private company provides as opposed to a bank? I can think of about 50 reasons why non-criminals would use a company like US Private Vaults.

And besides that, what business is it of the FBI’s whether someone wants to store their gold coins, cash or jewelry in their mattress, or a coffee can in their backyard, or in a private vault?

Do you catch the legal logic of what the FBI is claiming? It’s like saying your local grocery store manager is a secret bank robber, and therefore you must be a criminal too because you buy milk and eggs from him.

Fortunately, Judge R. Gary Klausner in LA isn’t buying any of the BS from the FBI or federal prosecutors. They’ve tried multiple times to get the judge to allow them to forfeit the contents of safe deposit boxes to the federal government. The reason? The rich clients had their retirement savings, a bunch of gold coins, or other valuables stored in their boxes – and therefore they must be money launderers!

Judge Klausner has swatted down every such attempt by prosecutors and the FBI so far. He says the FBI has provided “no factual basis” for why it deserves to keep safety deposit box contents that they never had a warrant to seize in the first place. Klausner has also stated that the government’s case against these Trump supporters isn’t founded on “anything more than pure conjecture.”

That’s great, but… when can these people get their stuff back from the Biden regime?

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22 thoughts on “Judge Scoffs at FBI Excuses Over Stolen Trump Supporters’ Safety Deposit Boxes”

    1. Crime indeed, question, why haven’t criminal charges been filed? Some firing and loss of pensions justified.


    3. James comey was an FBI crook so that must mean if you work for the FBI then you have to also be a crook by their logic.

      1. Right on Ted, just like ducks, the FBI quacks, acts and walks like a duck, therefore they are ducks, easy to sieze peoples property, without probable cause,l and against current law, where in the hell did Los Angeles get a real judge that actually follows the Law?

  1. The FBI is a criminal organization! No longer trusted by the people! Thank to Trump we now are seeing how deep the swamp really is! Make you wonder why these agents always got a 38 wrap around their ankle!!! They will even killed their partner to hide their crime!

  2. J. Edgar Hoover and Elliot Ness are rolling in their graves and the presumption of innocence is a thing of the past.

  3. They will never get their contents back! Using the FBI logic, then, since leaking classified information on ongoing cases is a crime, and agents at the FBI did just that, then all the agents from top to bottom must be criminals too. Further, the many other things, proven in courts, that the FBI has done, makes them accomplices in collusion with many other criminal organizations; this is the same logic used by the ultra marxist/islamist/globalist groups: one bad policeman, or policewoman, makes all police bad- defund and persecute them! One crony crooked capitalist makes all entrepreneurs evil capitalist- send in the marxist goons and socialize them with communism! Or ” we choose truth over facts.” Idiocy in poor educational, morals, ethics, logic, and common sense! Tools the uberleft uses to befuddle the masses as excuses for the lawlessness, greed, lusts of tyrants, tycoons, and terrorist! Pure evil, wicked, psychopathic power-mongers! “It’s just sick, man, sick.”

    1. You nailed it. The corruption in our government runs clear to the top. Washington needs to be cleaned up before we loose total control of our country. They are suppose to work for we the people. They are there to pad their own pockets. All our fore fathers are rolling in their graves with all this going on.

  4. Innocent till proven guilty? So these guys need to prove their innocence? That’s not constitutional, so hang on Judge, stand firm, thank you!

  5. If the FBI wants to investigate crime, I suggest they start with the ENTIRE Democrat Party. They’ll be busy for decades since the level of crime in that FOREIGN AGENCY is far deeper than any Washington Swamp.

    Once they’ve complete that they can start on themselves. That will take forever since they are the most criminal Federal organization in Swampington right now.

    I simply have trouble believing what absolute, pure, unvarnished GARBAGE we have running our country right now. The FBI being at or near the top of the list. NOBODY who pays attention to Truth trusts them anymore, they Do Not Deserve It.

  6. I want to know the penalty to those that thwarted law and perpetrated the heist of private citizens property without cause? Why did this judge not force return of the private property immediately?

  7. Yet another reason to consider disband the corrupt FBI agents that think that maybe they are above any kind of investigation. They broke the phoney laws and they should be arrested for their crimes. But that’s not gonna happen is it?

  8. The fbi has really overstepped their bounds and now it seems they are theives
    too!!! They need to RETURN EVERYTHING THEY STOLE and the ppl need to file charges against them!!!

  9. Violation of a Court order, Violating the provisions set forth in a warrant, FELONY Grand Theft, Deprivation of 4th amendment rights under color of authority (tyranny) 18 USC 242, 18 USC 245, 42 USC 1983 all Federal felonies committed by the Gestapo. The Elected Sheriff of a COUNTY is the Supreme Law enforcement Officer of that county. ( 10th circuit court of appeals) – Federal Agents must confer with the Sheriff before operating in his county. The Sheriff has the absolute right & duty to arrest the Gestapo agents who violated the above laws in his county. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs Dept. should drop a pair & issues arrest warrants for these tyrants.

    1. Hell,if the “PRESIDENT ” can ignore the constitution why should the FBI pay any attention to a court order ? Our country is rapidly spiraling down the crapper. Glad I’m old enough I won’t have to see the commiecrap the younger generation are going to live through much to their WOKE surprise.

  10. I have no proof which is needed not their suspicions that anybody is a crook. The judge should have sent the police to get the stuff back and if the FBI refused to give the stuff back, than arrest them right in their FBI offices. I will bet the FBI has already sold the stuff and claimed the money for themselves. It sounds like a bunch of thieves doing their thing, typical democrats, honestly. And what is the district attorney doing about getting the stuff back or is the district attorney in on the stealing too. Must be millions involved that they have in their pockets. Bring robbery charges against the agents because that will get them in jail and not stealing more.

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