It’s Time to Start Talking About (and Praying for) Ron DeSantis

On a personal level, I don’t like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis very much. When he was a Representative in Congress, he was always a bit standoffish and rude whenever I chatted with him about an initiative I was working on at the time. But since I’m an adult, that doesn’t matter very much. I don’t have to like any public official to support them, because I measure officials on two criteria: Do they get results; and do they fight for their constituents? Ron DeSantis – or “Heavy D” as Twitter has affectionately nicknamed him – does both of those things very well. That’s why we’re all starting to whisper in hopeful tones about his future political ambitions.

Mike Pence just announced that he’ll be headlining a major GOP fundraiser in New Hampshire very soon. Translated into plain English, that means Pence is going to be in the 2024 GOP primary race as he makes a run for the White House.


It’s probably no accident that Donald John Trump announced this same week that he’s intrigued by the idea of a Trump-DeSantis ticket in 2024. The rift between Trump and Pence over the latter’s January 6 betrayal is real, and it’s not going away anytime soon.

DeSantis, meanwhile, continues to govern Florida like a MAGA champ. He just signed two new bills into law. One bans vaccine passports (which are clearly illegal and unconstitutional) in Florida, and the other lifts ALL coronavirus restrictions across the state. On issue after issue, Ron DeSantis has not failed to disappoint. He always hits the right note when reporters try to ambush him and puts Floridians first when making executive decisions.


Hey, remember when DeSantis’ opponent Andrew Gillum overdosed on drugs and was flopping around naked on that hotel room floor that he had rented with a gay porn star and the cops had to come get him? How much do Florida voters feel like they dodged a bullet in that election?

Everyone knows that the 2020 election was hinky, so everyone is paying close attention to who might step up to run in 2024. Right-leaning news orgs are looking at Ron DeSantis admiringly right now, because he has never (to date, at least) bowed down to any woke corporate interests and he is incredibly Trumpian in his leadership. He shepherded Florida through the coronavirus in a smart way and allowed his bosses (the voters) to maintain their dignity and not lose their small businesses or mortgages in the process. Left-leaning news orgs are watching DeSantis because he terrifies them.

Which brings me to why we should all start praying for Ron DeSantis and his lovely family.

With a vegetable firmly ensconced in the White House, the Deep State is clearly running the show in DC. Susan Rice, Obama and the so-called “intelligence” agencies are the ones who are really running the Executive. And that means we can only imagine the nasty fake scandals that they are currently spinning up to try to destroy Ron DeSantis.

Just look at how nasty the intel agencies have been to MAGA conservatives. They claimed that Vladimir Putin had video evidence of Donald Trump watching Russian hookers go potty on a mattress in Moscow. They lied about that for five years and only finally admitted that it was a completely fake lie just a few months ago.

MAGA Congressman Matt Gaetz has been smeared as a “sex trafficker” by the intel agencies, with not a shred of evidence to back up that claim. Not one witness has come forward to make any claims that Matt Gaetz ever did anything improper with the women he was dating. He hasn’t been charged with anything. My prediction is that everything about that story will eventually turn out to be another lie – and once again, no one in the Deep State will be held accountable for it.

If they smeared Trump and Gaetz that way, imagine what they’re about to do to Ron DeSantis. I’m sure it will be something lecherous and disgusting that only a Democrat political campaign could come up with. But rest assured it’s coming, and it will be even nastier than the smears against Trump and Gaetz. And it will be 100% fake news.

So, pray for Heavy D and his wife and children. They’re going to need our prayers and support very much.

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28 thoughts on “It’s Time to Start Talking About (and Praying for) Ron DeSantis”

  1. Americans aren’t going anywhere, and Will turn this country around. Democrats, social media platforms and fake news can cower to blm and everything else trying to destroy our country, but when the dust clears, true American patriots, and the American Flag will still be here awaiting the Next assault on our Freedom. Thank you President Trump for everything you have done for me and I will do all that I can to be the best American I can be. I support you and Your choice of people who are interested in running for any office of government, because I know that you are Making America Great and not turning your back on We The People.

    1. Thank you for saying this. I know we Americans are going to be here, I pray every day for our nation and our citizens. As an 86 years old woman I’ve voted in many elections for many presidents, Some I liked; some I didn’t but I feel President Trump is and was the very best President of the United States that we have ever had – and hope to have again. God Bless this Nation.

    2. The American people and our flag really took it on the chin this last election, and our “Representatives” don’t seem to care about the voters anymore.
      The Democrats & RINO’S thought they had the 2016 election bought and paid for, they were wrong. They will never make that mistake again. If they were good at rigging the election in 2020, they will be even better next time. I see our voting system corrupt from now on.

  2. You write, “With a vegetable firmly ensconced in the White House” ———– did you mean “salad” like in Biden, Harris and their whole mafia? I mean, “digested salad” like in pile of shiiiiit, because that’s what they are and it stinks to seventh heaven! In 2024 Trump is gonna need to have the WH disinfected, if not demolished and rebuilt. The Clinton’s and Obamas were bad enough, but this gang, it’s putrefaction stench added up like never before. Dang!

    1. The whole “White House” {racist name?} smells like shi- from Biden pooping his pants, and when it falls down his leg onto the floor, “Major” the dog is always there to take the blame!


  4. I have nothing but CONTEMPT for the Democrat/Communists and the “brave defenders of the Republic” who support them. But I have equal contempt for the GOP that has knelt before them and knifed us all in the back repeatedly for decades now.

    ObamaCare Repeal anyone? Work with and support Trump anyone? The Gutless Old Pussycats Party will trot out it’s latest version of No Contest and present it to their voter base knowing said hero won’t stand a chance.

    I wonder who the next McCain/Romney will be? Yup, true Conservative Heroes like those two.

  5. An extremely astute report/story. It is comforting to see that true reporters still exist. Keep up the great work.

  6. I lossed all confidence in pence after he bailed on President Trump. I would not vote for him as I don’t trust him to fight for Conservatives.

  7. I agree with everyone and Mike Pence has lost his position. If he had done the correct thing, he and President Trump would be working as a team and in D.C. AND America would not be the laughing stock of the world now.

  8. HEAVY D,,, wow, !
    Kinda has a Rapper theme going there…
    GO HEAVY,, GO HEAVY ,,D , D ,D, ya , ya , ya.!

  9. Every one who was supposed to have Trumps back have shown their true colors!! The majority of them wound up with a Yellow Streaks down their backs. It’s easier to pick out the Trader’s every one just has to remember the “streaked backs”! Come 2022
    And 2024
    I have lost faith in our ruel of process in this Country And I don’t like feeling like that.
    It’s gonna take Trump to bring us back from the depth of burning down our countrys systems and our ways as we know it. We’re going down the wrong path and I know it.
    I’m 63 and Trump has been the best President I have ever seen, in my life time. I use the world’s has been because I still think of “Trump Still as My President”
    It’s going to take us all to work together, I think we’ve got One More Shot At It in 2022 & 2024!!
    We have to do it right this time.
    The one and only President!!
    Trump 2024

  10. Every MAGA supporter knows that the Communist Liberals (D)RAT Party and Politicians are “Anti-America” and want to use the “Biden Crime Presidency of crooked DOJ, FBI, CIA, COURTS & JUDGES” and organize UNIONS, from coast to coast to control everything from shipping to distribution of products from China, They’ve already are dictating that the Education Unions “will be control if schools opening / closings, what the students will and will be taught and so on. The Constitution is not being followed. Freedom of Speech and a Government by and for the People is being denied. We have to fight back.
    Unions have taken complete control of the economy, Hi-Teck designers produce products, they can total control against Freedom s we are entitled to. Their products are designed so they eventually can control anything and everything of hi-tech value and have control over You and Me. Fake Media refuses to report honest News. They too force Fake News though books, papers, radio and TV and it’s designed to provide you “Their Schemes to Control What you’ll comply with in the future.
    Trump and DeSantus are true Leaders that really want to MAGA. One of the first things that is necessary is to “Not allow Unions, Hi-Tech, Government and New Scumbags like ANTIFA, BLM to “Set the Standards in America” which are not listed in the Constitution.
    The First and Second Commandment to the Constitution – must become enforced. Freedom of Speech and Protecting ourselves against an “Out of Control Government against the People” is protection – WE must comply with.
    One simple solution that could be enforced immediately is “Forming a Real Militia, not just having words in the Second Amendment that could Protect both our Birth Rights and Freedom from an out of control Government”.

    Trump and DeSantus are 2 real leaders, who love America and have the balls to “Protect the Christians and Wonderful American People”. As a Team, they could easily get 75 Million MAGA Supporters to follow their Leadership. They could easily for an “Official MAGA NATIONAL MILITIA FREEDOM GROUP”. Right now, small groups try to organize their Militia Groups but are criticized by Labor Union Groups and Federal Government Politicians. They “FEAR a real organized National Organized Militia – that Primary Mission is to Protect Every Free Living American”.

    The Military is controlled by the President and they have become too political and now are so weak, I don’t believe they can even protect our country. Their Generals and Leaders have been taken over by politics and the good leaders are being released. The National Guard is having the same problem and being taken over control by Pelosi and Politicians. WE THE PEOPLE are only powerful enough to keep our weapons because of our “Large Number of Weapons available in our Private Homes”. Politicians, Hi-Teck, Unions and Our Government keeps trying to take our weapons…. And if they do….. We the People will become slaves to our Government and our Country will be controlled by groups like ANTIFA, BLM and CORRUPT POLITICIANS.

    Our only hope is with honest America Leaders like Trump and DeSantis. Trump MAGA Movement is the only thing that is currently keeping Americans safe. An Organized Militia, that could come out of the shadows and become the “Pride of America’s Individual Freedoms” is basically the only way to fight against “Our Out of Control Government” and there are Millions of Ex-Military, Bikers, Patriots and Christians who are ready to “Come forth and Joining this Constitutional Organization” as shown in the U.S. Constitution …. As the only way to keep from becoming “Over powered and becoming slaves to all the organizations that are trying to take control over America”. Please think it over President Trump and hopefully, you VP, Gov. DeSantis.

    1. Charles,
      you have spoken the pure gospel truth. Every thing you said is as true as the days are long!!
      Let’s hope and pray that things don’t come to the things you mentioned. My guess is that if things come to that, their will not be a shortage of participating parties!!
      I would be one of those stepping up to participate.
      I’m willing to stand up for my god given rights and for those who are not able to do so themselves!!

  11. Even are little towns have militia in them.
    Removing our guns isnt an option
    Like the one shirt I see is,When guns become illegal I’ll become an outlaw.

    There are literally thousands possibly millions that are willing to fight for our freedoms.

    No mealy mouth government will not survive the war that’s coming.

    It will be between American Patriots and the scumin government.

    Like many times I’ve heard,theres a hell of alot more of us then you.

    Try sleeping with that knowledge

  12. My buddy Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis would be a killer partnership. Trump should be returned to the Whitehouse because it was definitely stolen from him because that is what the Democrat thieves do. They have to steal because they cannot win if they act like honest citizens. Because Trump has tons of presidential experience, he should be the president and DeSantis with his tons of governor experience, they will get the United States back to where it should be. I panic every day with brain-dead Biden running the country. My grandfather fought in WW1 and my dad and his brothers fought in WW2 and now Biden and his gang of idiots are giving it all away to the far left AOC’s of the country. Soon we will be living in a communist country because that is what follows socialism. President Joe SANDERS still has 3.5 years to continue bringing us down to their level and it terrifies me as to what will happen to the greatest country. Why can we not impeach Biden for simply be incompetent and take him out of the Whitehouse. I know we will be stuck with Kamala but at least she can string 2 sentences together without fumbling. I heard this week that approx. 120 Generals have signed a letter indicating that Biden should be removed from office because they believe he will get us into WW3. As for Mike Pence, he was a great disappointment. I thought with his calm and quiet demeaner he would bring great professionalism to the team but he failed. Pence will never be elected president. With all the attacks Trump had to deal with for 4 years he merely proved himself to be a strong leader and that is what we need again.

  13. China joe, Sleepy joe, Lying joe, Basement joe, Creepy joe. the names go on forever, but he is really Chicken shit joe, keep that fence up in DC joe, but don’t protect our Southern Border. Did not take long for democrats to screw up our entire economy, now they are screwing up international structures. Biden lacks a sound mind to make decisions, he is about as anti American one can be, who is really calling the shots for this brain dead person? Let’s take a look at current news reporting events, Kerry “tells all” to Iran about Israel’s “secret raids” against Iran, Biden then starts payments to Palestine, giving them funds to buy rockets for Hamas from Iran using them in attacks against Israel. Biden shuts down keystone pipe line, Colonial pipe line gets shut down, guess Kerry will take solar panels down south instead of gasoline, Biden will issue electric cars for all Illegals so that they won’t be inconvenience by current events. Who is calling the shots at the white House ? Why is Biden off limits to the press questions? Why are the white house visit/ phone logs off limit to the public?

  14. Let’s face it. The only people who had President Trumps back were his family. We can dump Pence in the toilet. The only way we can be reasonably sure of fair and honest elections is to have picture ID’S at the polls. As for me… I’ll be voting for President Trump if he runs.

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