Huge Setback as Judge Shuts Down Attempts to Examine Georgia Ballots

Well, this is upsetting. After six months of stops and starts, the judge hearing the case against the Fulton County, Georgia absentee ballots issued a surprise ruling on Wednesday. He dismissed the case. Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger managed to sabotage the case, which gave Superior Court Judge Brian Amero the excuse he was probably looking for all along. This was the last remaining election fraud case in Georgia and our best chance to finally have the magical suitcase ballots from State Farm Arena examined. Ugh.

State Farm Arena, you probably remember, was the vote counting facility in Atlanta where election supervisors originally told observers that ballot counting needed to be stopped on Election Night because a water main pipe had broken. Run for your lives! That turned out to be a lie. Then at 1:30 in the morning, they told everyone to go home because ballot counting would resume at 8:30 a.m. (Conveniently, this happened in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona at the exact same time.)

When the observers left, webcam video from inside the arena revealed that a handful of election workers and a supervisor had stayed behind. They pulled suitcases (not a legal, approved ballot transportation receptacle) out from under a table where they had been concealed and proceeded to carry out the late-night Biden miracle, in which batches of magic suitcase ballots were rammed through the counting machines four or five times in a row.


VoterGA and their attorney Garland Favorito sued over the Fulton County absentee ballots after multiple election workers came forward and signed affidavits under penalty of perjury. The witnesses all stated that when the absentee ballots were counted, they witnessed ballots that were obviously counterfeit. These were seasoned election workers, one of whom had been on the job for 20 years, who were publicly willing to state that they saw counterfeit ballots in Fulton County.

VoterGA made it right up to the door of the building where the ballots were stored back in June. Judge Amero had authorized the ballots to be unsealed so that VoterGA could examine them. At the last second, election supervisors threw up legal roadblocks to stop the unsealing. This was the first of several delays that Amero authorized.

During the last hearing in the case in September, it looked like Amero was finally going to let VoterGA examine the ballots. But attorneys from Brad Raffensperger’s office showed up at the last minute to inform the court that examining the ballots was unnecessary. Raffensperger had already sent his own team of investigators to examine the ballots. How convenient.

The judge delayed the case once again, to wait and see what Raffensperger’s investigators found. They showed up on Wednesday and informed the judge that they couldn’t find any counterfeit ballots. Why, the election was squeaky clean! Nothing to see here! There was no need for VoterGA to examine the ballots, because the judge and the voters in Georgia could rest easy knowing that Brad Raffensperger was on the case. Safest and most secure election ever!

That was the exit strategy that Judge Brian Amero was waiting for. He suddenly dismissed the VoterGA case due to “lack of standing.”

This makes no sense at all to anyone who has been following this case for the past six months. Judge Amero nearly allowed the plaintiffs into the building to unseal the ballots back in June. They apparently “had standing” then! But now they don’t have standing in October? What changed?

Amero claimed in his ruling that the plaintiffs didn’t have standing because they had not proven any specific harm had been done to them. How about a stolen election? Wasn’t that enough harm? How about $5-a-gallon gasoline, or $7-a-pound bacon? And all the other harm that has resulted due to Americans not having their duly elected president in office? Phony Joe Biden has caused plenty of harm to all of us.

Once again, the American people are being asked to believe the fraudulent results of the 2020 election, because the very same people who carried out the fraud were unable to locate any fraud. Brad Raffensperger is on the case, so rest easy, Georgia voters! Your lying eyes and that video of the magic suitcase ballots does not mean what you think it means. And no, you cannot examine the ballots. That’s crazy talk! Why would you want to do that after Brad Raffensperger already checked them?

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59 thoughts on “Huge Setback as Judge Shuts Down Attempts to Examine Georgia Ballots”

  1. To the great people of Georgia you are the only ones who can stop the madness is your great state in 2022 and in 2024 by voting out these crooks and liars vote red look what happened to your state swallowing that nasty blue pill and what has the party of the people done for you riots higher gas higher food and higher cost of living have they done anything good for YOU!!!!!

    1. Everyone knows how corrupt politicians are in general period. And we know that there are too many corrupt judges.
      sometimes voting someone out of office or out of a position of power takes too long.
      There is another way to remove somebody permanently BUT, it would be serious taboo to speak of it. And sometimes evil people do not get voted out.
      There is only one way to deal with that kind of a situation…

      1. I’ve heard Lindsey Graham is a traitor ,it seems he’s quietly helping liberal judges get elected ,he’s been the vote that’s made all the difference, the number I heard he helped get in is 31 Liberal Judges ,but I also heard it could be more ,Why would Fox News ever put him on as a guest? But Tucker Carlson opened a big can of worms about Lindsey Graham ,and Tucker invited him on his program to defend himself in case Tucker had the story all wrong,Graham has not answered Tucker’s invitation, Why is it Hannity and Laura aren’t on the same page as Tucker? do they not know ,they need to know and call Graham out .This is such back stabbing, I wonder who’s paying$$ people like Graham and a whole lot of them off ,disgusting, we have to be so careful who we trust and believe ,Got give credit to Graham, he plays a good game. But what a POS

        1. In my opinion Lindsey and Mitch need to go. Lindsey is all mouth on FOX TV and then does nothing. Another do nothing Republican. The GOP better stand up, pick strong leaders, and fight for the American people.
          I can’t believe a judge regardless of their political opinions is not following the laws and constitution of our country. There is no justice anymore. Judges have even become corrupt.

          1. You say finally?? They have been corrupt since I was a child and I am 87 now. Soros has done this to every country he has ever been connected to. There are countriies that would love to get their hands on him but no one has the balls to find out where he is hiding and ship him and his son back to Russia. Putin would love to have him back. Might even pay a hughe reward to the right person.

        2. You have hit the nail!!!!! Graham is the biggest POS in all of Washington!. He is probably the leader of the Closet KKK! A typical Southern Democrat, otherwise known as the JUNKYARD DOGS LOOJean CoulardSE ON THE WORLD.

      2. I agree with you completely! Might change things in this country for good. Raffensperger needs to be thrown out of office and the Republican party.

    2. A Blood bath of A Civil War is the only way left us for relief of criminally corrupt Rino Rat & Demon-rat thieving lying politicians.

      1. It makes me I’ll to see the destruction of our country by two face liars and hypocrites. Graham needs to go if all l am reading is true. I am disheartened by the bastards in Congress. Further proof we need TERM LIMITS.

      2. It’s sad that it has came to this but I believe you are right a all out civil war will be the ticket to round up all the politicians that do not have the best interest of the United States in mind and the good of the American People and they all can be punished in whatever way is appropriate for them.

    3. What makes you think they care John?? As long as the weaklings allow themselves to be controlled by the very people that will not help them in the future nothing will help. They are only continuing to advance a modern-day slavery, and the “Stacy Abrams” followers are swallowing their rhetoric. They continue to advance her persona and fill her finances and she sticks with them. In the meantime most others in her community suffer. But she doesn’t care either. Funny help self-absorbance feeds self-absorbance.


      1. I’ve heard this “vote them out” phrase uttered too many times. What makes you think you can vote out corrupt politicians who are responsible for tainting the elections? Once they’re in control and no one checks them, they’re unstoppable. Elections no longer matter.

    5. Is this judge an appointed Obama’s judge or Clinton. Take it to Supreme court. We have to stop Pelosi and China from ballot fraud.
      Newsom just passed bill in CA, all abinstee ballots, just have an addresses. No ID necessary.
      I just did a local ballot, My ballot had no name on the ballot. Envelope only. No ID # for person on ballot that would ID, it’s my ballot.

    6. Yeah John. I hope the Georgia voters, vote out the crooked RINO Republicans named Governor Kemp and Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger. Their bank accounts must be checked because they allowed a lot of cheating to go on in the 2020 election. Rumor has it that they got huge kick backs from Dominion software company for using their software to count the votes. Also, they allowed Stacey Abrams to harvest ballots which is contrary to state law.

  2. “Judge” Amero must have been either a Clinton or Obama appointment to the Bench, and which appointment may have been strongly recommended and influenced by the likes of one George Soros. The unmitigated perfidy and utter blasphemy which constitutes the American judicial system today is enough to make one regurgitate and defecate, more than likely simultaneously!

    1. He is not appointed but rather elected by voters in the State of Georgia and possibly may be influenced by the money of George Soros. He is the Chief judge in Henrico County according to the articles in Google…

  3. What a crock. Fraud and cover up right before your eyes. Anyone still doubt the FACT that democrats are the party of lies, fraud and corruption?

  4. This is bulshit. I seen the videos and they’re clearly is cheating going on. Whoever is allowing this is not for America live soldier soldier communism. Plain and simple you may be able to escape Justice on Earth but God is going to punish you make no mistake about it. God’s will be done Justice will be done.

    1. Why was my comment changed to make no sense. The Democrats are trying to sell out America and Usher in communism. We the people will fight until we have justice for all.

      1. I will never vote for Kemp who is a trader with Raffinberger — they hired Stacey Abrams team to work the polls. Now do you understand how the fraud was easy!!!!

      2. I didn’t realize how many package plants. business. casinos, farms, ranches have been bought by China in USA. Obama Biden have been working on this for years. This borders takes out eight pff the Chinese Federation Military Communism invading our country buying and opened package plants here
        When the ships with containers stay in ports and shelving empty we will realize how much China’s is making in food for USA. China Joe isn’t helping with the mandatory vaccine for everyone.
        I was talking to neighbor and we started conversations about virus. I told her it’s intentionally transmitted to destroy our economy. Gates population control over the world with vaccines that don’t work. Why has Gates and Soros opened a test tubes plant in USA. Possible chip to follow our Military. I have never experienced so much crime in my area. Newsom has released Prisoners and caravan people and hiding them under Sanctuary laws. Defunded Law Enforcemen.

    2. We cannot afford god’s judgment later we need judgment on earth now! Not in the hear after there is too much at stake!!!

      1. God’s timing is perfect. Biden Harris Obama Clintons Soros Pelosi Feinstein Waters Newsom and a lot of other will be going down.
        Picture of Bill Clinton coming out of hospital. That didn’t look like Hillary. Where is Huma? Huma still doing Hillary’s emails?

    3. Do you really think these people believe in God? Money and power is their priority. God is not going to come down and save us. It’s up to us, the people, to take responsibly and fix our own problems. Educate people and vote the corrupt politicans and judges out of office.

  5. blatantly preferential treatment shouldn’t stop this forensic audit….and the fact that reffensperger or whatever his name is, said no need judge blowhard, ‘i’ve already looked them over’ is plain old cow dunkies. does anyone know /hear anything about an appeal? this has to be the state with the most blatant election fraud…JUDICIAL WATCH where are you….

    1. Judicial Watch working on the fraud ballots. My area. 47 different places to vote. The ballot boxes were pasteboard, no locks or security. Churches, districts offices, schools, VFW, Law offices, chambers of commerce, Republican women business, Democrats business,
      The Post office were not able to hire and vetted people to handle the ballot increase in mail. Ballots stolen in my area. County sending ballots to people who had moved and dead people. Judicial Watch found 1.6million fraud votes in Los Angels county.

  6. Just like they wanted us to believe the Russian collusion scheme, they want us to believe that the election was proper. Truth will prevail, we just need to wait for it.

  7. But! The GOP will sweep in and Right all the Wrongs! Right?
    Oh, wait, Raffensperger is a Republican. Isn’t he?
    The mighty GOP is still trying to get into the DC Jail. You know, that place where George (GOP) Bush said the American Taliban is being held.
    Still think the GOP is on “your” side?
    I wonder if a Chinese bugler will play taps over the grave of the once Great United States?

    1. The Dems could only pull this off by a massive number of “irregular” votes. You can’t hide that many and get away with it. It was a walk in the park proving the fraud. But case in point. No look, no see, no find.
      Everything is on the up and up.
      Don’t expect the DOJ to get involved. They’re too busy getting fitted for their brown shirts and locking up soccer moms.

  8. Crooked Polls in Georgia Ok’d by a Crooked Judge and His Cronies ! Hope Herschel Walker wins election in Georgia. Heard him on television and he certainly seems to have a good head on his shoulders. Perhaps he can take care of some of them Socialists in this state by knocking some sense into them !

  9. There is NO DOUBT in my mind that this judge IS on the take! I also believe our country has little chance of remaining viable if the present administration is allowed to remain in place for the next three years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. People of Georgia must get out and Vote these Socialist people out of office starting in 2022 so we True Americans can get our Country back before they totally destroy America.

    1. Crossram. If we wait till 2022, there will be NO America left. Look at what pedophile Joe has done in 9 months. If this keeps going this way, we will be done.

  11. What are they afraid of. If they had believed the election was not flawed they would allow all forms of scrutiny to valid date their claims of no fraud. The same with voter ID anyone can get an ID, if they can register to vote, they can register to get an ID,

  12. A judiciary that is set up as Party “Justice” Set ad deciding as Party Interest commands can easily lead to Regimes and countries run to the sad ends of their Democratic and Moral order. We have seen the marks of such future “glory” emerging from rioting masses of SA stormtroopers and of fake BLM/Antifa roaming and terrorizing streets and cities, from “Special Emergency Powers” emerging from “Reichstag-fires” and “6 January Capitol Uprisings”, and from Industry-Money-Information-Conspiracies for One Party, as in German 1928 and in 2020 US Elections.
    Add to it the Regime-ordered GENDER AND RACE INDOCTRINATION in schools and Academia: It’s FRIGHTENING!

  13. We need to. PRAY.
    THE DEVIL MADE THEM DO it. And that’s not idle talk. The end is near. Stay inside and light a blessed candle the only light for 3dAys. And they will be gone to hell with the devil Ck it out !

  14. I hope that someone is making a list of all the traitors and those attacking our constitution. ( judges like this people like Soros and treasonous politicians in the government ) so that when we get a legitimate government back in place these people can be rounded up and EXECUTED for their actions.

    1. This would be the only way of getting rid of all the corrupt thugs !!!

      Let’s pray we could still save our country, even though the marxists infiltration is so massive !
      Obviously, the country could not survive for another 3 yrs of all the destruction caused by these
      Marxists in power now !!!

    2. This would be the only way of getting rid of all the corrupt thugs !!!

      Let’s pray we could still save our country, even though the marxists infiltration is so massive !
      Obviously, the country could not survive for another 3 yrs of all the destruction caused by these
      Marxists in power now !!!

  15. Too many judges at his level get rich by being on the private payroll of criminals. It was proven in the twenties, fifties, seventies, and why not now.
    With all the proof that’s already emerged from other counties, and states, an honest judge would have called for an investigation, and a proper hearing, to give it the benefit of doubt, no allow a fraudster to convince him so easily.

  16. WELL, they have successfully disenfranchised Georgians! IF there was no corruption (of course it began with Georgia’s AG who has not help further the case) why would everyone not want an AUDIT! The IRS Audits U.S. Citizens every year whether that taxpayer wants the Audit or Not! These Election Audits are no different, they are done to protect the Legitimacy of an Election. However, when an Election is stolen or attempted to be stolen NO ONE wants and Audit except for the Loser of that Election and it does not matter if they are Democrat or Republican.
    The Citizens of Georgia now will have to wonder, DID MY VOTE COUNT? It is apparent from ruling like this that JUDGES today do not LIVE UP TO THEIR OATH AS A NON-BIASED ADJUDICATOR of LAW! They are POLITICAL!

  17. The judge may have dismissed the case, but that by no means indicates that that the fraud did not happen, it only means the judge is playing the Left’s cause. Perhaps it can be referred to the State Supreme Court, where with luck, we’ll get a less partisan decision. One in which politics plays a lesser part in adjudication.

  18. I would like to know how many of these people in office, Democrat, or republicans claim to be Christians, but at the same time they have sold their souls to the devil. What is wrong with our society? Answer, money and power= greed. We need term limits, they come into office hopefully with good intentions but soon as they get board and learn the ropes they start to steal the people’s money and cheat and lie and forget about the people that they are suppose to be working for we the people are in the way.

  19. This Judge must be a Biden cronie and a demonRAT. The demonRATS don’t like the truth to come out, so they vote against it. This judge should be barred. No one in their right mind would not want the truth to come out.

  20. Brad Raffensberger should live in infamy for helping to steal the 2020 Presidential election. The result is an almost 79 year old, senile, corrupt pervert Biden as the Illegitimate President acting as an Obama stooge to destroy the U.S. economy and endanger the stability of the world, as China increases its hegemony. If there are only two American patriotic U.S. Senators in the Democrat Party, in the 2022 mid-term election, the American people should overwhelmingly elect Republicans to Congress.


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